Friday, October 7, 2016

Helpful or Harmful?

  Technology is constantly advancing into a phenomenon that individuals are taking advantage of for multipurpose uses. Technology is gradually increasing in the areas of gathering resources from multiple sources in a very short amount of time with little effort due to the fact that it may be accessed by anyone with a network connection. The common concern regarding The Google Effect and the act of disregarding useful offline information is whether or not it is a modern technological distraction or an educational tool for obtaining resources for knowledge. Many scientists and experts believe that The Google Effect is a positive advancement in learning with much evidence to support the claim, while some others believe the advantages are close to none or very slim.

    Many experts believe that The Google Effect is a positively progressing online depiction of the future of technology used for research. Anthropologist Dr Genevieve Bell, a vice-president at Intel and director of the company's Corporate Sensing and Insights Group, believes that the use of google to research and store our mental information, is in fact a positive thing. Dr. Bell proposes a valid point when speaking of new mothers questioning if their baby is sleeping enough when she said "These are all questions that technology may be able to address quicker than calling your own parents," she says. "This isn't making consumers more dumb, instead it's helping them to think smarter." One of the most widely noble man Albert Einstein has even supported the idea of storing information in a place where you may always have access to instead of wasting space for things such as phone numbers and addresses. Although many find it useful, some find that it may actually negatively affect people and make them less aware of offline information because of it being available with just a click away. It also brings up the argument that people are not attempting to learn offline and it results in overall less productivity and knowledge transmitted. Through research and primary experience of the topic, we believe that if you are affected by the google effect, then it will lead you to obtain more knowledge than offline research.

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